Sunday, March 18, 2012

Homework Response 3/18

A printed essay should be formal and a podcast more casual. Also printed essays should go more into detail. These differences occur because when writing it should be more formal and it is easier to go into detail with statistics and such because the reader can easily go back and find the exact spot they need without any trouble. Also it is written so that people can easily go back and make notes while podcasts are made to quickly inform and maybe lead to sources that will go more in depth like written essays do. With podcasts they can be more casual because it is more like an everyday conversation you would have with someone, not too casual though avoiding slang and using proper grammar are a must, if not credibility is lost and it becomes too informal.

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely explained Jessica. The tone still can be serious, however, in an audio text when the subject is serious. Listening to the radio, NPR especially, can tune your ear to how speakers use tone to help get their points across.
