Sunday, April 15, 2012

Webtext Expansion Ideas

      - Why Worry: I think I might need one or two more reasons to add to this section to make a                  
       better connection to my audience, and would definitely make my point more clear. I have not
       identified any experts. I haven't used any statistics and there are no words that need to be
      - How Did They Become Endangered: Adding a few more details to this section will make it
       stronger. I haven't introduced any experts. I do have some statistics and no terms really need
       to be defined.
      - How Can They Be Saved: This section needs to be extended more there are too little ideas
       and not enough explanation.
      - What Can You Do to Help and Conclusion seem fine.
      - Topic Sentence: Why worry section needs one as well as How did they become endangered.
      - No lists provided
      - Yes i offer captions related to my topic
      - I have not explained the photos in the text at all.
      - I have not discussed the significance to my main point
      - Don't have any anchor texts

Also want to add somewhere the escape of the animals in Ohio the past year, and still need to add my field research. This will add to my word count and give me more places to add anchor texts.


Noun phrase: The Tiger Endangerment
Verb phrase: Discovering the Problems of the Endangerment of Tigers
How to fragments: How to Prevent Tiger Extinction
Questions: Can Wild Tiger Populations be Saved From Extinction?
Sub-titles: Tiger's Plight: Saving Them From the Brink of Extinction

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tiger Cub Photos

Pape, D. (2008). Panthera_tigris_altaica_09_-_Buffalo_Zoo [Photograph], Retrieved March 29, 2012 from:

I could use this image to display how tiger cubs depend on their mothers to survive. They follow everything their mothers do because that is all they know at the time.

Ashurst, R. (2010). Sumatran Tiger [Photograph], Retrieved March 29, 2012 from:

I'm not sure yet how i could use this but i like that it shows a lone tiger cub which could help my claim of their dependence at early ages.

Elena grabbing a cub [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved April 3, 2012 from:

I might use this picture to portray how a mother takes care of her cub.

Lymm, C. (2009). Siberian Tiger Cub & Mum (2) [Photograph], Retrieved April 3, 2012 from:

I might use this to show that a mom is vital in the growth not physically but maturity in a tiger cub.

Momma's boy [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved April 3, 2012 from:

Not yet sure how i would use this.

You shouldnt do that with so many people watching us! [Photograph]. (2011). Retrieved April 3, 2012 from:

I could use this one to show the importance of how a mother's discipline is important in the development of its' cubs.

Jewell, N. (2009). Family Feast [Photograph], Retrieved April 3, 2012 from:

I could use this photo to show the need of a mother in order for cubs to learn how to hunt their prey.

tigers [Photograph]. (2010) Retrieved April 3, 2012 from:

Not sure how i would use this one, but i think it shows the relationship between a mother and her cub well.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Homework March 29

For my audio slideshow i would like to focus on mother tigers and their cubs and how the near extinction of tigers affects them. Mainly focusing how hard it is for tigers cubs to survive in a world where they are constantly being hunted, and how a cub can be affected when growing up alone.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Research Protocol

For my field research i will be observing tigers at either Lincoln Park Zoo or Brookfield Zoo and hopefully will be able to talk to either a zoologist, wildlife ecologist, or biologist as well. I choose this because i find that not only hearing from an expert but actually observing it myself would be the best research to do for my project and will also help me to establish better credibility. I will go to the zoo and observe the tigers for maybe an hour or so. After doing this i will talk to someone from either of the three professions i mentioned above about the tigers behaviors being in captivity. I want to learn about if tigers go extinct in the wild and the only tigers left are ones in captivity how their behaviors will affect how they react to changes that bring them back into the wild to rebuild the wild tiger population, and how it will affect future generations of tigers.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Homework Response 3/18

A printed essay should be formal and a podcast more casual. Also printed essays should go more into detail. These differences occur because when writing it should be more formal and it is easier to go into detail with statistics and such because the reader can easily go back and find the exact spot they need without any trouble. Also it is written so that people can easily go back and make notes while podcasts are made to quickly inform and maybe lead to sources that will go more in depth like written essays do. With podcasts they can be more casual because it is more like an everyday conversation you would have with someone, not too casual though avoiding slang and using proper grammar are a must, if not credibility is lost and it becomes too informal.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012 Midterm

     Throughout Phase One I have learned much about how important the rhetorical situation can be in my writing. In the past I have always focused on what matters to myself and myself only. I only ever thought about my audience in one paper of mine, to appeal to their emotions. I would say that that paper I wrote, thinking about how my audience would react to what I wrote, was my best piece of work by far. For this project I am emotionally close to my topic and I have been focusing more on how I would like to get as much information about tigers out there as I can, but my problem is I am not thinking about my audience. Because I care so much about the topic I am disregarding, not purposely, how important the rhetorical situation is to my writing.
     I believe my main problem is that I am still researching to broad of an area and need to narrow it down even more to get more detailed information that will help me to choose a more specific audience and focus my writing even more. I noticed when I started writing my web-text I was having great difficulty with where I should start it and even what information was most important to put into it that I had to stop. I think I need to organize my research more in order to make my choices for the rhetorical situation even better and to help my audience really connect with what I am trying to get across. 
     As for fonts and colors I still have to choose some that I think will relate to my topic to make my audience connect with my piece. I also plan on using my images in this way as well. I feel that using images to appeal to the emotions of my readers will help them really connect to what I am saying and give them the same outlook as me on my subject, but I also know not to appeal to emotion too much because they might see my text as too extreme and not be interested in what I have to say. Throughout this course so far I have learned how important my decisions affect how people view not only me but my writing as well. These opinions will greatly affect how they will react to my writing. I want to make sure that they react in a positive way, or the way I want them to, in order to get my point across correctly. Utilizing the rhetorical situation in the right way will help me immensely.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Articles from PUC Library

1.Kirkpatrick, R., & Emerton, L. (2010). Killing Tigers to Save Them: Fallacies of the
      Farming Argument. Conservation Biology24(3), 655-659. doi:10.1111/j.1523

2. Check, E. (2006). Conservation biology: The tiger's retreat. Nature441(7096), 927-930.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2/5 Homework Response B

Right now tigers are among the closest animals near extinction. With only thousands left in the wild and many in captivity it is becoming harder and harder for them to survive. Being hunted by humans is the main reason for this. Humans tend to hunt until they cannot hunt anymore, which is usually extinction. If we do not do something fast about this tigers could be the next animal that goes completely extinct. I am interested in this topic because of my love for animals and the major I plan to go into, wildlife. I also take concern for mistreated animals, and one’s in harm’s way. The fact that the reason most animals are endangered or near extinction these days is mainly because of human greed pains me. The only way an animal should go extinct is because of Mother Nature herself. If animals completely leave this world it should be reasons like the dinosaurs and not because humans like the way their fur looks on their floors. I think my audience will be interested in my topic because the extinction of any animal starts chain reactions that cannot be stopped and can be very harmful to the environment. I am mainly focused on tigers because right now they seem to be the most hunted and causes directly related to humans. I feel my audience will be filled with more women than men because women seem to have bigger hearts when it comes to cruelty towards animals, also because more men hunt than women especially in the areas in which tigers live. Groups such as animal activists, veterinarians, and in fields such as wildlife, ecology, environmental studies, etc. because they also share a love for animals and the environment and look to protect both.

2/5 Homework Response A

Braun, D. (2010, Nov 18). Can a thousand breeding females stave off tiger extinction in the wild?. Retrieved from
Summarize: The main point of this article is to show how people are trying to figure out a way for people to help save tigers using the females left of the species to breed. It also provides people with facts that they should know about tigers and different organisations effort's to help save them.
Asses: This source is very useful because it provides the basic information i will need to know about tigers without going in to too much detail and will help provide a start for better research. Some might say that it could be biased but i don't think it is to the point were it won't be useful. National Geographic has been around for a very long time helping to inform people of what is going on with the environment. This specific article states that tigers are being "over-hunted" realizing that of course animals will be hunted but it comes to a point where it needs to stop.
Reflect: I will use this source for my project because it has been very helpful in my decision to where i should start research and gave me more information on the topic. It has also given me different ideas as to where my research my lead and ways i can make my project more in depth and detailed.

Guo, J. (2007). Tigers in trouble: Year of the tiger. Nature449(7158), 16-18.

Summarize: The main point about this article is how Siberian tigers, one of the most endangered subspecies, are found more in captivity than in the wild for entertainment purposes and how important it is to be able to breed these tigers and draw them farther away from extinction. 
Asses: I feel again that this is a reliable source because it again comes from a magazine that's purpose is to inform its audience about problems in our world affecting the environment. This article seems to be a little biased though but i feel for my topic a little bias in the right direction can be more useful than it is harmful. .
Reflect: I may use this as an article for my project but i am not fully sure yet. It is helpful because it provides information on a specific subspecies and will help me better narrow down my topic where it needs to be.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Research: Book and Article Sources

Tilson, R. L., & Nyhus, P. J. (2010). Tigers of the world: The science, politics, and conservation    of panthera tigris. Academic Press

Guo, J. (2007). Tigers in trouble: Year of the tiger. Nature449(7158), 16-18.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Topic Definition Statement

Background: Many breed's of tigers are on the endangered list. Most tigers in existence are living in captivity such as zoo's.
Purpose of project: This project will show why tigers are nearing extinction and how it will affect not only the environment but how we live as well. I will show how humans contribute to their endangerment and why tigers a essential part of our environment.
Working title: "Endangered Tigers: Can They Be Saved?"
Key question: What impact will the extinction of tigers have on the environment?
Sub questions: "What countries passed laws to help protect tigers and how effective are they?" "Which breeds are in the most danger and why?" "

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Homework week 2

I feel connected to the endangerment of animals not only because I care deeply for them but I am also interested in pursuing a career in wildlife biology. My research question might be: How will the endangerment of certain species effect the lives of other species? I could narrow the topic by asking How will the endangerment of tigers will effect other species? or go even more specific with How will the endangerment of South China or Sumatran Tigers effect nature? Broadening i could say How can the endangerment of species effect society as we know it? or How can endangered animals effect the environment?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week One Homework Response B

Three things about endangered species I would like to write about this semester are the endangerment of tigers, how humans contribute to endangerment, and the consequences if we do not help stop endangerment. I find these topics interesting because I love animals and want to pursue a career in which i can help them coexist with us. People who will care about these topics as well are people who also love and care for animals, environmentalists, biologists, etc.

Week One Homework Response A

One subject area i would like to research this semester is endangered species. I know that species from tigers to dolphins are on the endangered list. I also know that tigers are considered to be the most endangered species on earth. I would like to know: 1. Which species and the certain breeds of each that are in the most danger? 2. Which areas of the earth have the most number of endangered species? and 3. What can people do to help stop the endangerment of these species?